Friday, August 28, 2009

Completed Pieces and Exploratory Art

This one was inspired by my brother. It shows penguins trying to escape a burning field to pluto. The ozone is melting away, and if you look closely there is a clock in the centre of pluto. Very apocalyptic.

One of my creations; an angel. It holds it's soul (or spirit/essence) in it's hands.

It has the ability of absorbing the spirit of animals into it's own, becoming one with them. With the spirit of a bird, he unveils wings.

Another abyss. It seems to contain the theme of mother nature, and the circle of life. There are fairies hidden throughout the picture.

A little girl, who wants to take her own path through life, even if it means falling into mistakes along the way.

This is how music affects me. I can float in it for what seems like eternity, electricity dancing overmy skin in rainbows and textures.

I use nudity as innocence. This is a watercolour of a blind girl seeing beauty through the sense of touch. A feather falls from her hand.

This picture contains a theme i've been developing. A cloud emerges from the head, illustrating the conscience, the sub-conscience, the spirit, anything. The emotion rains down from the cloud.

A girl trapped in walls. She projects a vision of a girl hugging a power tool as moustaches rain from her cloud. It's a joy the trapped girl will never be able to indulge in.

Clippings taken from the Sears Christmas Catalogue.

a drawing from my waking dreams. Sneakers rain down from the cloud.

A rainbow shoots from the third eye changing bombs into birds. It's a very simple and child-like message.

1 comment:

  1. I think your first nude study is totally realistic, it's beautiful, and the truth of these women's essence is so eloquently displayed in their body positioning and well-done facial expressions!
