Saturday, January 9, 2010


this little poem is flawed because I'm too lazy to work with it at the moment, but i will update it soon :P

One of many gorgeous round things,
Rolling like a scatt'ring blast.
Swept them sideways on their sideways,
Rolling, gliding, they'd been cast.
Nervous and gullible,
Scattered, splayed,
Cast, played.
Round they view.
Little men, young boys,
Freeing their hands and
Throwing their marbles. If
Only they knew.
I play a game, game,
The game if skills.
I steer the marble, and
I may make it still.
Still still i wait for
Some boys to play while,
Stuck inside a glass bubble,
Painful: a sentence, to aid boys in fun.
It's fun, so so fun,
With my wings stuck straight...
And my spirit stuck straight...
I have no choices outside of this game.

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